Mailing List Rules*
- Be polite. Dry humor and sarcasm don't transmit
very well to people who don't know you well--use "just kidding"
signs or
smiley signs to let people know when you're kidding.
- Be respectful and use courteous language.
If you're about to send forth a message and keep looking over your
shoulder to see if your teacher is watching, don't send it!
- Avoid name calling and engaging in "flame
wars". These go on in many mailing lists, and they get tiresome
to people who want to communicate. If taken to the extreme, you
could face criminal charges.
- Use a combination of upper and lower case
letters; writing in all CAPITALS IS CONSIDERED "SHOUTING", which
is very RUDE and makes it hard on the reader's eyes.
- Sign all your messages.
- Include SHORT references to previous message,
but generally it is improper to quote the entire previous message--it
sucks up computer space.
- Be sure your messages are addressed to the
right recipient--private addresses for personal email and listserv
addresses for mailing list email.
- Avoid sending on "chain"
letters (most are fake).
- Absolutely avoid sending on "junk" mail--in
net language it is called "spam".
* Same rules apply to private